Une mâchoire dans l’estomac

Comme je viens de le dire à ma femme, parfois on lit une news et on se demande si c’était pas juste un truc de SF. La preuve avec celle-ci

A 65-year-old Finnish man received a new upper jaw that was grown in his abdomen using his own stem cells. Scientists had isolated stem cells from the patient’s fat, and sorted out the type of cells that could grow into bone tissue. The cells were applied to a custom jaw-shaped scaffold and implanted in his abdomen for nine months. Tissues grew around the scaffolding, which was removed and attached to the man’s skull to replace his upper jaw, which had been removed due to a tumor.

Bientôt on pourra faire repousser la main de Luke Marcheciel.


  1. Jusqu’où la science ira t-elle ?
    Bon maintenant si ils pouvaient refaire pousser des dents… in vitro si possible, ça serait bien. J’aimerais bien changer ma dentition en carton…

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