Fucking Kassovitz

Ce making-of du film Babylon AD est franchement passionnant. Plus que le film, ce qui n’est pas très compliqué… Cela dit, on ne pige toujours pas pourquoi Vin Diesel et Kassovitz se sont bouffés le nez. Peut-être que Vin s’est rendu compte que le scénario était pourri ? Mais dans ce cas, pourquoi ne l’a-t-il pas remarqué à la première lecture ? Pourquoi avoir accepté le rôle ? Il serait même intéressant de lire le scénario prévu à la base. Parce que, outre tous les problèmes de prod, le principal problème du film, ça reste sa trame moisie… C’est peut-être là où t’as merdé, Mathieu (cf les dernières secondes du reportage).


  1. Le film aura suffisamment instillé de doute chez moi pour que je lise l’intégralité des aventures de Hugo Cornélius Toorop. Juste pour ça, ça valait le coup.

    Le reportage de son coté était passionnant, on dirait mes projets de dev au boulot. J’en rigole encore nerveusement.

  2. Dantec je ne suis pas fan à la base… J’en ai lu quelque uns, et je les revendu tout de suite après.
    Je préfère K. Dick, Stefan Wul, Clarke, Gibson, Varley pour les auteurs sérieux de SF, ou même Douglas Adams dans un registre plus fantaisiste (interdiction de les revendre ceux-là !!! à garder, à relire encore et toujours).
    Ce sont des classiques, mais c’est toujours bien inspiré.
    Le choix de l’œuvre d’origine est primordial dans le film de genre…

    Très bon documentaire, à ranger avec « Lost in la mancha » et les anecdotes du tournage de « Brazil ».

    Merci Caf’.

  3. le principal soucis est sans doute que le bouquin est inadaptable correctement

    La sirene rouge deja, fin baclé vis a vis du bouquin, les racines du mal ne pourra sortir dans un -16 / -18 ans .. et celui ci, complexe a mort (un apero a coté de Villa Vortex)

    Dommage en effet, Vin Diesel faisait un Toorop assez credible

  4. At the end of this laughable and clearly self-commissioned apologist piece, Kassovitz who is clearly NOT Orson Welles, or anything between Orson Welles and Mathieu Kassovitz, begs the question: « If someone can tell me where I fucked up, then I’d love to know! »
    I’ll take a crack at it: Anyone familiar with how a film is made (not a French film, mind you – a FILM, as in « entertainment film, » as in « made for the public » as opposed to « made to allow some egomaniac to self flagellate in public ») can see through this attempt to pin the disaster on anyone OTHER than the director is a clueless talentless freak who can only resort to screaming at his crew to cover up for the fact that he made LA HAINE through some kind of cosmic accident. I say this knowing a bit about Vin Diesel and what an asshole he also is, but I regret to say that in this case I must take his defense — as I said, it is all down to whether or not the viewer can decipher what he is looking at: This documentary shows that the meatheaded Hollywood star became scared on day 2 when he realized he was surrounded by a bunch of condescending monkeys who were absolutely clueless, unprepared, and broke-ass. And who can blame him in this case?
    Kassovitz shows his utter insecurity as a director by yelling at what is evidently a very patient and underpaid crew instead of describing coherent instructions which HE and HE alone is responsible for working out ahead of time. « Zis is Not Ouat I azk for – I wooant wat I azk for yoo fucking Idiots » !!! to which the only proper response SHOULD BE « learn to make a MAN’s film you fucking incompetent fashion model! »
    Another favorite: « I want to work out the lines on the set with the actors » – good luck with that one, asshole — I am heartbroken when I think about all the good people who are trying to make films out there and who do not get a shot.
    Only someone like Kassovitz could take a comic book story like WHITE NIGHTMARE by Moebius, and fuck it up by not following the beauty of how well it had been orchestrated to begin with by the artist – that should have served as a major clue way back!
    Learn your craft and show up on the set prepared or get the fuck out instead of trying to outdo Blade Runner and every other fucking genre piece that already exists. Get a talent instead of grandstanding like a bumbling Napoleon! Just because Show Business is all about nepotism doesn’t mean that you were born a Ridley Scott or anything near for that matter, and just because your countrymen who mostly know little about what a real script and a real film is all about, think of you as a poor victim of circumstance, doesn’t mean that you fool everyone — I used to think that you might have been dealt a bad hand on this one when I first heard about it, but now that I have seen firsthand what you look like on a set, I can say that I know the answer to your question: « you are not a real director: You are an insecure, barely knowledgeable, talentless scam artist screamer whose game is up! You are responsible for your own shitty script, lack of preparedness, which is a film crime, and for generally being clueless. »
    How’s that for an answer?

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