Les lumières du Net

xmas lights

Bouclage et World of Warcraft oblige (evil evil game) j’ai eu la flemme du bloggeur cette semaine. Du coup vous avez été nombreux à me parler de ça par PM, mail, ICQ, signaux de fumée. Sachez que ce spectacle son et lumière est déjà terminé. Hé ouais. Je vous laisse la news d’Engadget dans la suite. Flemme, quand tu nous tiens (et puis j’ai toujours pas bouclé).

We’d like to take this opportunity to officially apologize to the citizens of Warren County, Ohio for ruining their good time. As one of many media outlets that reported on Deerfield Township resident Carson Williams’ amazing multimedia Christmas lights show, we feel partly responsible for the mini-frenzy that developed over the display. So many people ended up visiting the Williams’ sub-division, that two folks got in a minor accident (next time try parking while you watch, k?), and sheriff’s deputies put an end to the revelry indefinately. Isn’t it just like mainstream media to ruin something so precious and beautiful? Those of you who still need your holiday display fix can try hitting up Allentown, Pennsylvania’s Lights in the Parkway, which is good family fun even without TSO’s Wizards of Winter.


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