Bruce tout puissant

La grande classe quand on est une star d’Hollywood qui glande entre deux films, c’est de se balader sur les forums du Net et rentrer dans le lard des mecs qui vous détestent. Et qui accessoirement raconte n’importe quoi sur vous et votre prochain mouvie. Immanquablement, le péquin va crier à l’usurpateur. Logique. Après tout, les stars n’ont pas le Net. Au pire, elles ont une connexion de l’espace mais ne savent pas s’en servir…

Bruce Willis a prouvé qu’il savait au moins lancer Safari et iChat sur son Mac. Lassé des attaques gratuites de certains internautes sur Ain’t It Cool, il a été grandiose pour prouver que Walter B est bien Mr Die Hard. Il a carrément demandé au plus pénible des trolleurs du forum en question s’il avait un Mac. Oui ? « Super, lance iChat, on va discuter« . Un coup de boule virtuel plus tard, le doute n’est plus permis. J’ai comme l’impression que Warlter B va être lu beaucoup plus religieusement sur ce coin du Net…
Et moi je suis fan de la méthode.

Certains commentaires de Bruce Willis réveillent le fanboy qui somnolait en moi… (oui, j’ai le LD de The Last Boy Scout)

The Last Boy Scout started out to be a great film about Sports Gambling. Somewhere along the line it got changed into some silly fucking chase to save a Senator that got me fired. Maybe the people in charge of Sports gambling had something to say about it. I’ll never know. It was great working with Tony S. He likes lots of close ups, doesn’t he? But the first half hour of that film was pretty good. Plus it was my first shot at play a cop post Die Hard. thanks man I still dig Shane Black’s writing, and thought he had a great voice then, and still does.

Nice explanation of how things work in the AINC world. And having my own personal problem with Authority, I completely get it. And that extends far beyond the range of the Movie Industry. I think we are currently in a deep parochial trough in this country that comes along every 20 years or so.(example’s of the opposite of this Parochialism would be the roaring 20’s, the 60’s, and the 80’s.) It’s almost as if it’s gotten to the point where the next thing we’ll see will be « Word Rehab »- witness that guy from Grey’s Anatomy who merely said he did NOT call someone a fag. Off to SOME kind of Rehab. But I do not for one minute believe anyone is really changing their behaviour, but simply doing whatever they do and say, much more quietly. This to shall pass. I find the alternative points of view expressed here at AICN, which are pretty varied, to be refreshingly honest. Every group has Haters, and to be honest, when I mentioned Haters in an earlier post, I was referring to Haters in general. I just have zero tolerance for hatred of any kind, except the hatred reserved for Rapists, Kidnappers, and Child Molesters. But I see what even your own members call Haters as passionate people who express themselves without an editing mechanism. Too bad you don »t have any sway with the politicians. I would like to see the Presidential candidates in the upcoming election be forced to answer the questions of AICN’s membership. Doubtless this post will be seen as more spin, but fuck it- I reject all judgment, and in general keep my own counsel, for good or bad. Which is why I can take credit for deciding to do movies like 12 Monkey’s and Pulp Fiction, as well as having to hang my head for deciding to do dogs like Striking Distance and Sunset….



  1. Trop fort.
    Bon, reste plus qu’à troller sur un film d’Elisha Cuthbert/Jessica Alba/Juliette Binoche, et prier très fort ^^

  2. Ce que j’aime chez ce gars, c’est son tact. Bruce FTW !
    mon dieu, la vie serait bien plus simple avec plus de gars comme lui :D

  3. Après y avoir regardé de plus près, il semble que ce soit un modo du site qui ait contacté Bruce pour vérifier son identité, et pas un méchant troll.

  4. ah c’est sûr que ça doit calmer…
    ça fait bizarre de voir des stars faire comme nous! (est-ce qu’on peut faire comme les stars?)

  5. haha, Bruce et moi en plus d’etre des sauveur du monde et de sacré beau gosse on a un autre point commun, on a un mac…

    copain Bruce !!!

  6. ah non, Bruce tape sur Michael Bay directement, pas besoin d’intermédiaires :

    by Walter B
    Would have ruined DH4. Few people will work with him now, and I know I will never work with him again. And Spacesheik, DH4 was not ruined by the rating. Except for the "Fuck" allotment, this film rocks. Michael Kamen will be missed, but Marco Beltrami brought it in.

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