Des japs qui glandent ?

Depuis quand certains japonais ont trop de temps libre ??? Mmmmh ?? Parce que sérieusement, se construire un robot « un peu » opérationnel de ce calibre, ça doit occuper non ?

The Land Walker, robot transport Gundam style:

Robot walkerWe’ve no idea who Sakakibara Kikai are, apart from having a vague inkling that they may have the odd screw loose here and there, but they’ve come up with a two-legged, person-carrying robot vehicle that looks like it’d be ready to audition for a live-action Gundam film at the drop of a hat. Admittedly the Land Walker doesn’t so much walk as shimmy its 3.4-metre-tall bulk around the place (looks like there are wheels under those feet), and it tops out at a less-than-threatening 1.5 km/h, but it does have the looks, and even a pair of guns (which fire squishy balls, unfortunately). They also have some video of it, well, sliding around.

Via Slashdot Japan (Japanese)

(Via Engadget.)

DS online

En attendant la PSP, il faudrait que je fasse réparer ma DS déjà… Parce que visiblement, quelques bidouilles marrantes arrivent. Cool ! More toys !
Edit : c’était donc un hoax, un faux, un gros mensonge. Qu’on trouve l’auteur et qu’on l’ouvre…

DS online next Monday?:

Nintendo DSYeah, there’s a catch. It’s an alpha version of DS tunneling software created by Jadrule, an Italian developer. Called, DS Linkup, the new software promises to connect DS users across the world, allowing multiplayer games to be played online. Reportedly, there have been several successful connections throughout Europe and one successful connection from Europe to the US. Jadrule plans to release the software on April 11th.
[Thanks, Andrew]

(Via Joystiq.)

Hitachi goes perpendicular

J’ai dormi 4h la nuit dernière, je vais me coucher. Bossez donc votre anglais avec cette sacrée news matos. J’ai même gardé le titre anglais, il me plaît bien. :p

Hitachi goes perpendicular, promises 1TB PC drives, 20GB Microdrives by 2007: Hitachi Travelstar

Hitachi claims to have made a major breakthrough in hard disk technology, saying that they’re on track to squeeze in as many as 230 gigabits per square inch using perpendicular recording (that means writing data vertically instead of horizontally). They’re anticipating having both 20GB Microdrives (the kind used in the iPod mini) and 1TB 3.5-inch PC drives available within two years, but they’re actually planning to have a 2.5-inch laptop drive that uses perpendicular recording out before the end of this year.

[Thanks, Brian and Jacob]

(Via Engadget.)

Tout ça pour rien ?

En finissant un article avant d’aller (enfin) dormir, je cherche à vérifier un truc et paf, la magie de google opère encore une fois : je tombe sur un tutorial déjà tout fait pour Miranda. Alors primo : bravo à l’auteur. Et secundo, je suis bien deg’ d’avoir ramé tout seul avant de tomber sur ce lien. Tsss.